January 05, 2018

Baby monkey passes out for 10 hours from caffeine overdose after stealing a strong coffee from tourist

Many of us rely on a strong cup of coffee to wake us up in the mornings.

But this young macaque was knocked out for 10 hours after downing a cup of coffee it stole from a tourist in Bangkok.

The poor monkey suffered a caffeine overdose and had to be slowly brought around using a saline and carbon solution administered by local medics.

The thirsty long-tailed macaque stole the brew from a tourist's motorbike but was quickly taken ill and collapsed to the horror of onlookers

This cheeky monkey found out the hard way why you shouldn't steal other people's coffee.

The baby long-tailed macaque passed out with a caffeine overdose after slurping down a cup of joe nicked from a tourist.

The thirsty monkey (Macaca fascicularis) jumped on to the tourist's motorbike in Thai capital Bangkok's Bang Khun Thien district and quickly downed the brew.

It leapt off the motorbike and collapsed, to the horror of nearby tourists.

Witnesses said the six-month-old long tailed macaque fell ill after climbing down on to a tourist's motorbike where a cup of coffee was sitting inside a plastic bag hanging from the handlebars.

They raised the alarm and veterinarians were quickly on the scene, administering emergency aid in the form of a carbon and saline solution until he finally came around at 3am the next morning.

The "Khon Rak Ling Hua Jai Kraeng" online community page reported the incident, saying that the male monkey, which is around six months old, had probably tried to copy the human who had been sipping from the drink a short while before.

Once vets were confident that the monkey had recovered properly and was suffering no ill effects, it was released back into the care of its troop.

A warden has been asked to keep an eye on the little fellow, and they also advise members of the public to be more careful in leaving food and drinks around in areas frequented by long-tailed macaques.

Local animal wardens say the macaques should only be given fruit and vegetables, at designated areas.

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