December 20, 2017

Newborn Baby Dies Because Doctors Argued for 30 Minutes during Cesarean Operation

A newborn baby has died after two doctors allegedly fought for 30 minutes while performing cesarean operation on the mother. But both doctors claimed that he was only doing his job and it was the other one’s fault.

A cellphone video taken of the incident proved, however, that both were at fault as they continued fighting without thinking about the patient lying on the operating table. This led to the newborn baby’s death due to severe asphyxia wherein the vital organs did not receive enough oxygen to function.

The doctors were identified as gynecologist Dr. Ashok Neniwal and anesthesiologist Dr. ML Tak at the Umaid hospital in Jodhur, Rajasthan, India.

It was a concerned medic who took the video after the fight escalated. The other people in the operating room appeared concerned over the welfare of the patient but were helpless, unsure of what to do to stop the two doctors from fighting.

The two doctors were talking in Hindi, with the medic translating their conversation and saying Dr. Tak told Dr. Neniwal to “calm down and behave yourself” but the other responded in insults, threatening to beat him up.

According to Dr. Tak, it was the other doctor’s fault as Dr. Neniwal had been “arguing with everyone” but the latter claimed it was a conspiracy to get him fired, claiming the video was shot by someone from Dr. Tak’s anesthesia team.

Both doctors have since been suspended and stand to lose their license if it was proven that their behavior led to the child’s death.

“We do not yet know if the death of the newborn baby was caused by the argument,” said hospital superintendent Ranjana Desai.

The hospital’s principal AL Bhat said, “Both doctors have been removed immediately and disciplinary action will be taken against them.”

Bhat added that the baby already had a faint heartbeat and in critical condition when the mother was brought to the hospital.

If that was the case, then the doctors shouldn’t have argued for 30 minutes so they could save its life, right?

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