March 27, 2018

Young girl takes her own life after being molested by her own father

A 14-year-old girl committed suicide because her own father repeatedly abused her. Her OFW mom, Janice Brual is working abroad, and her father was left to take care of her. But instead of taking care of her, her dad took away her innocence.

The one other person you can trust the life of your child with is your spouse. Since they are part of the process that has created the child in the first place, you would safely assume that they would do what’s best for the kid. But in this Raffy Tulfo episode, it was a father that inadvertently caused a young girl’s death.

Janice Brual is at her wit’s end after experiencing the heartbreak of losing her daughter. The young girl left a note before taking her own life admitting that her father has been constantly molesting her. What’s even worse is that some of the child’s relatives, who knew what she was going through, didn’t immediately go to the police.

Janice and Maria Guevarra , the victim's aunt , sought help from raffy tulfo. These ladies wanted to give justice to the death of their little girl who commited suicide because of her father molested her. according to the teenage daughter, she told her father's sister everything. She told her aunt on her father's side that her father has been abusing her as stated in her suicide note. However, instead of seeking help and justice, they choose to keep quiet.

Before the teenage girl to commited suicide, it was stated that she was able to tell one of her classmates that her father abused her. Her classmate had no idea what to do and so she decide to tell the teacher.

Since the mother of the victim is working abroad, the victim's teacher who learned about what happened, talked to the sister of the suspect to settle things. However, she was told not to make an issue and just keep her mouth shut.

The abuse of the father continued until the little girl can no longer take it and soshe committed suicide and hang herself in their home.

They even took her body out early before an autopsy could be done. With the father now missing, Raffy’s team helped Janice file a case with CIDG to bring her daughter’s death to justice.

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