March 14, 2018

Brazilian man stayed calm despite being stabbed in the back

Street brawls are not an uncommon occurrence in public – especially when heated words are exchanged. While most of these struggles end at the police station, some public brawls leave us with interesting videos to ponder on. Just like this viral footage of a Brazilian man who was stabbed on the streets.

A twenty-two-year-old Brazilian man named Elionardo Nascimento caught the attention of many people online after his video went viral. The man was only enjoying a couple of drinks with his friend in a bar at Brasilia, north Brazil when an unknown assailant came up behind him and stabbed him straight in the back.

What would you have done if you were in his shoes? While most people’s initial reaction would be a shock and panic, the Brazilian man stayed unbelievably calm in the middle of his life-and-death crisis. When asked in an interview, he admitted that he hadn’t even felt the stabbing pain.


“I had just come out of the pub to talk to some friends and was standing around outside with a drink in my hand, when a guy ran up, stabbed me in the back and ran off. I didn’t even see him approach. I just felt a punch in my back which nearly knocked me off my feet.”

Before the rescuers arrived, several concerned bystanders comforted the Brazilian man. However, it seemed like he doesn’t even need comforting nor assurance because he managed to maintain his composure throughout the whole thing.

Emergency services immediately arrived at the scene, and even the medics were shocked to find the victim in an eerily calm manner. During the interview with Daily Mail, the man claimed that he didn’t even feel any pain.

“At the time, I didn’t feel any pain, I think I must have been in a state of shock. But I knew I had to keep upright and calm. There was no point panicking as this would only have made the situation worse than it was already.”

Whether it was his calmness or just plain luck that saved him, nobody knows for sure. Fortunately, doctors discovered that the knife missed most of his major organs.

After a swift surgery at the Rio Branco Emergency Hospital, the victim is now recovering yet the assailant remained at large. Local authorities considered the incident as an attempted murder and are still hunting for the suspect.

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