March 26, 2018

Arm Less Man Makes Wooden Toy Cars Using His Feet

Geraldo Pereira may have been born without arms but that’s never stopped him from being a productive member of society. Though a congenital disease left him without upper limbs, the 47-year-old Brazilian man makes beautiful toy cars and trucks for children for a living.

Unlike many able-bodied men, he makes an honest living making toys, despite his disability.

Today, we see able-bodied men (and women) use violence and illegal means to “make a living”. These criminals choose to take from others instead of working honest jobs. But when these people see this arm less toy maker, they will definitely feel ashamed of themselves.

He can measure, hammer, and use electric and hand saws to cut the wood needed to build the children’s toys, which take him about an hour to make—all with his two feet.

An arm less man from Lastro, north east Brazil, became an internet sensation overnight after a video showing him making wooden toy cars wen viral. The man was identified as 47-year-old Geraldo Pereira, who has a congenital disease that left him without upper limbs. But while most of us would be left useless without arms, Pereira does not let his disability get in the way of him working.

Using only his feet, Pereira is able to make toy cars for children. He can hold hammers as well as measure out and saw wood using his feet, which is needed to make the wooden toys. “From a child, I have always been determined to be independent. “I’ve never felt sorry for myself but believed I was special,” he said. “If you don’t have something you don’t miss it. You just find a way to make do.”

Pereira usually makes his toys in public, where crowds are drawn to his unbelievable skills. He claims it only takes him an hour to assemble a toy car, while larger trucks take him two. “When I use an electric saw I can produce up to ten a day,” he adds.

The toymaker, who travels from town to town on buses to sell his wares, claims he discovered his skills when someone gave him a broken truck and he decided to “fix” it.

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