January 02, 2018

Two Guys Discovered Two Pipes Sticking Out In The Middle Of The Forest.

There are really people who would risk something out of curiosity. They wanted to experience some unusual things just to suffice the needs of their curiosity. But sometimes, curiosity killed the cat, wherein because of too much curiosity, harm may just come into you.

Two men in Germany were out exploring the fields when they found two pipes sticking up from the ground in the middle of nowhere. What they discovered is nothing short of amazing. This is one of our favorites stories of urban exploration. Their story is below and what they found is simply fascinating:

After finding the pipes in the field, locating the entrance wasn’t too hard. This is the entrance, a hundred meters or so from the periscopes, and surrounded by coniferous trees. It was covered with a wooden lid, which was easy to remove by using a crowbar.

Underneath, the iron door would swing back and bottle lock was broken so, they couldn’t get trapped inside.

What they saw at first was an endless hospital like hallways which appeared several times along their way. They decided to keep going straight in order to avoid getting lost.

And this is what they saw when they turned left at the intersection. The narrow hole was filled with dirty water and there’s nothing to see there. A pipe and a plastic bag on the floor, presumed from a local supermarket.

Along their way, at the second intersection, they’ve found like a clogged entrance covered in graffiti, a proof that they weren’t the first people to visit.

They’ve found out that the hallway wasn’t straight at all. It had several slide turns leading to another long hall to the left. They saw more random punches on the wall.

At this point, they were both uncertain if they should proceed or get the hell out of there. They noticed graffiti on the top right, the one on the left, translates to help.

A big yellow door came out of nowhere. They were expecting and hoping an exit or another dead end. They have no clue how single person or even couple people would be able to open those, since they seemed the heaviest bank volt doors.

There were Cyrillic letters (Slavic Alphabet) on this particular one, yet it was hard to decipher.

Right next into one of the broken doors, it reads “exit number 2”.

On the next photo, they don’t know what’s it before, but probably for ventilation.

Proceeding onward, according to them, the graffiti clearly read, “Hallo satan I love you”.

They also decided to enter a corridor on the front left wherein the walls were massive and metal like. They noticed a red number 2211 on the left and a painting on the background.

As they go along, the doors seemed to be more and more destroyed.

When they passed a few corners along corridors, a flooded area was found.

Next into it, a bigger room was also flooded.

When they’re already heading back, They found a bulky jam, it was the biggest room so far, but only visible with little square holes on the wall.

Random gloves was found on one of the tiny gaps.

Random shoe was also found on the mud.

They have seen and captured a lot underneath until their camera went down and they just headed back to the entrance.

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