January 08, 2018

This Female Student Was S*xually Harrased By Pervert Guy During Her Ride To School

Thanks to social media, more and more women have bravely come forward to tell their own stories of harassment. From acclaimed actresses to common netizens, ladies are taking a firm stand against clear violation of their bodies and privacy. Some men, however, seem to think that they are still in the dark ages and continue to brazenly harass women – even in public. Take for instance this female student who rode a bus but was m*lested on her way to school by a male pervert.

The girl documented and shared her horrifying experience on Facebook.

She boarded a bus bound to Vito Cruz for her morning class. Somewhere along Zapote, a man – in his late forties or early fifties – sat down beside her, slightly disrupting her sleep. The man was on the aisle seat while the victim had the window seat. She noticed that his arms were crossed so his left hand supposedly grazed her chest but she let it pass and went back to sleep.

When the bus was near the toll gate, the netizen felt something different. Feigning sleep, she realized that the man’s fingertips were at her nipple area already.

Noticing that she was still asleep, the pervert became bolder and started rubbing the victim’s left breast. She was paralyzed with fear, pointing out that everything felt different when placed in such situation.

The pervert attempted to remove the girl’s polo but settled with vigorously rubbing her breast instead. He even advised her to put away her phone so it won’t get stolen.

The disgusting man wasn’t finished yet because he placed the girl’s hand on his pants and had the gall to put his hand inside the girl’s bra and shirt. When the bus was in Libertad area, the pervert pulled down her sando and proceeded to knead her chest, covering her up when the bus stops to pick up or let off passengers.

The situation got worse when the bus reached Libertad, Pasay. The bus pervert touched her genitals and started to rub it. Then he once again touched her breasts. Afterwards, he started to rub her hand against his manhood.

What did the student do next? Read her full post below:

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