January 19, 2018

They Heard Strange Noises Coming From A Pipe And When They Looked Inside, They Were All Stunned

Sometimes you have to be observant of your surroundings. You might notice something unusual or out-of-place that could ultimately be a life changer.

It is easy to be attentive to the things around us, especially if you are in the big city. But there may be benefits to open aware and observant.

That is exactly the case for these workers at Boveney Lock in Dorney, Buckinghamshire. They were hired because of a missing dog that the owner believed to be underground.

Everyone thought the owner was crazy because really, how does a dog get under the ground? But imagine walking across a parking lot when you hear a weird noise coming from the ground. What would you end up doing if your dog had been missing?

Well, the hunch sounded a lot less crazy when the workers heard sounds coming from the ground. These crews decided to start digging.

They guys then starting to crack open the cement above the ground where the noise has been coming from. They tore up all of the concrete and dirt until they reached the pipe below ground.

Upon reaching the pipe where they believe the noise was coming from, they quickly cut it open, and saw this.  They had to cut a hole to figure out what was making the noise.

Once inside, one of the workers discovered something he never thought possible. And Even him was very surprised what he saw inside the pipe.

A little tiny Jack Russel Terrier was trapped and terrified deep inside the underground pipe. What is even more astounding is that the dog was trapped inside of the pipe for over 4 days.

What an incredible and heroic story rescuing this dog trapped in a pipe. I wasn’t expecting them to find a live animal in there, but I am so glad this animal rescue had a good ending. Dogs are mans best friend, that has been shown time and time again.

If I heard a dog in a place like this, I would do everything in my power to get it out. I am sure the owner won’t let her little pup out of her sight ever again. They need to find out how he got there and seal off the entrance so this doesn’t happen again.

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