January 17, 2018

Obese Guy Transform Himself Into "Hunk Man" After Getting Rejected To The Girl He Likes

When it comes to finding the incentive to get healthy, most people have a “tipping point.”

Perhaps it’s something minor, like when you realize you have to move up a notch on your belt; or maybe it’s something larger, like you’ve discovered you need to purchase two airline tickets when you want to fly somewhere. Whatever your personal motivation, every person comes to the point when enough is enough, and it’s time to do something to improve your situation.

It is said that rejection is one of the greatest motivators to change for the better. Rejection comes in many forms, be it in terms of career opportunities or personal relationships. This obese guy who was spurned by a woman for being “too fat” got the last laugh by physically transforming himself.

For Mos Sataporn of Bangkok and is the owner of a mobile phone shop, Thailand, that tipping point came when he realized he was getting rejected by all of the women he was attracted to. Quite simply, he just couldn’t get a date, so he decided to do something about it. Although he’s quite tall at 185 centimeters, his body mass index (BMI) still classified him as overweight.

He didn’t take the jokes seriously, but after getting rejected by the woman he loved, he realized he had to do something about his body.

Because he is considered “obese” by society’s standards, his friends often make him the butt of their jokes. A healthy dose of ribbing was fine for him – until a woman he liked flat out rejected him because of his unhealthy appearance.

With rejection as his sole motivation, Mos began eating healthy – partaking of fish, vegetables, and chicken, among others – and reduced his intake of high-calorie foods. According to him, he didn’t take any supplements nor did he try any fad diets.

Though it was hard at first, Mos started to eat healthy by reducing food which is high in calorie and replaced them with healthier options. He even started to go to the gym to tone up his muscles.

He would spend time exercising in the morning, and continue to eat healthy food from breakfast to dinner, making sure he gets what his body needs. He soon lost 5 kilograms in just a month. And today, after a year of a healthy lifestyle, Mos weighs a mere 80 kilograms. He finally managed to lose 75 kilograms!

Mos proudly shares his updates on his Facebook page. He’s especially proud of the fact that he has lost his weight in an all-natural manner. He doesn’t use an drugs, diets, or supplements — he simply eats small portions of healthy foods and gets plenty of sleep and water.

After a year, Mos looks like an entirely different person!

With his tall and slim body, women are all over him and many men look up to him. Mos said, “If you want to diet, the first thing you have to do is to fight with your inner self. If others can do it, why not you?”

Truer words have seldom been spoken, Mos! No word yet on whether Mos’s new look is a hit with the ladies, but something tells us he’s doing just fine in that department.

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