January 04, 2018

A Kindhearted Man Goes Viral After He Treats Street Kids at Jollibee

A lot of people these days give out to the needy to earn praise on social media but there are others who do it out of the kindness of thier hearts, without asking for anything in return, and not to post about thier deeds on Facebook.

Well this guy did that at a fast food chain, Jollibee, and though he did not to post about the deed on social media and did not even appear to take photos of the moment, another dinner spotted his kind act and took the video which would make this big-hearted man a big hit on Facebook - and he wasn't even aware of it at all.

This unnamed kindhearted guy was spotted by Patrisha Capillan while she was dinning at Jollibee with her boyfriend.

Patrisha took notice of this guy because he was bringing a tray with a rather large order even if he was alone. It left her wondering, could that guy really finish all that food he bought?

But the answer to that question was quite touching. As soon as he placed the food on the table, the man got out of the store to call some street kids in. He could have chosen to place them in another table while he ate his food but, no, the guy actually dined with the kids and had fun talking to them.

The unnamed man would smile at the kids and appeared to be genuinely concerned with that they were telling him that it touched Patrisha's heart to watch the scene. Had she not known that those were street kids (it was obvious in thier clothes, anyway) she might have thought this guy was the kids' dad by the way he interacted with them.

In the middle of the meal, one of the kids stopped eating and folded the box. When asked, the kid told the man that he was saving the remaining meal for his mother. This touched the man so much that he got up to buy extra food for the kids' parents so they wouldn't have to stop eating so they can bring some food home.

Impressed by the man's kind deed, Patrisha took a video of the moment and shared it on social media where it went viral. People  praised this man for being kindhearted and for making these kids happy.

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